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Colorado Christian Writers Conference Estes Park, Colorado |
A few weeks ago on my Facebook Author Page, we were talking about preparing for a writer's conference.
If you've never been to one before, I bet you have a ton of questions. I know I
did when I first started going to these, which was more than 25 years ago. I've
been to at least one each year since then, so I've accumulated a lot of experience
I can share from.
As "conference season" begins
(if there is such a thing), I thought it might be helpful to give you some
ideas of what to expect, how to prepare, what to take with you, and what to do while there. (Tweet that!)
What to Expect
You can expect to find a lot of
like-minded people, writers who think they are the only ones with a passion to
write. Writers who think they are not "really" writers, but everyone else in
the room is. (Is that you too?) (Tweet that!)
You can expect to meet published
authors and unpublished authors. There will be freelance writers (freelancers aren't
on staff at any publication but write for a variety of them).
There will often be
representatives of book publishing companies, editors from periodical
publications such as magazines and web sites that take material from freelancers,
and often literary agents will be there. Some or all of these may be on faculty
teaching workshops or speaking at sessions for all the conferees.
You may be able to schedule
meetings with these publishers, editors, and/or agents. (Tweet that!) If that's
the case, you may want to pitch them a writing project you're working on or
wish to write. We'll talk about how you might do that below when we talk about
One-Pages. I'll also give some tips for these meetings below.
You should expect to have fun! So
try to relax about it! Go expecting to make friends and to meet other writers
with whom you can network and stay in touch after the conference.
How to prepare
Review all the material you find
on the conference. The conferences I attend have a ton of information online
and in their brochure and it's fun to go through it all.
Find out who is going to be on
faculty. Read their bios and/or visit their web sites or the sites of their
companies. Find out what they are looking for that they want to publish. Here's
a HINT: Find web sites to other writers conferences where they were also on
faculty and see what additional information you can find out about what they
publish and what they are looking to publish.
You're looking for publishers
who publish or are looking for (acquiring) the same sorts of material you are
writing or want to write. Are you writing fiction? Romance? Sci-Fi or fantasy?
Do you want to write nonfiction? What kind? Memoir? Self-help? Christian
living? Who is acquiring that type of material?
Also check out the workshops. Circle on the brochure or make a note of all the workshops you'd like to attend. Chances are there will be more than one in a time slot and because even super-hero writers can't be in two places at the same time, you'll have to choose. (Tweet that!) But find out if workshops are recorded because at many conferences they are and you can purchase a DVD of the workshops you can't attend. This is a great way to take the conference home with you and keep the excitement and encouragement flowing long after the conference ends. Don't know which to attend and which to buy the recording of? Which workshop do you think will have the most value for you if you could listen to it more than once? Get the DVD of that one and attend the other in person. Or, is one of them taught by someone you want to meet? Or someone you want to see your face in their workshop so they'll know you're a serious writer? Attend that one and take the DVD of the other workshop home.
What to take with you
After you have an idea of who is
going to be there, and you've matched that up with the projects you have
written or want to write, you might want to prepare to talk to a publisher,
editor, and/or agent about your project(s). So what do you prepare to take with
Project One-Pages
In the last decade or so, "One-Pages" have become popular and I believe they are awesome. Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, books or short works like articles or short stories, it's a great idea to create a one-page to present that idea.
At most conferences you will have a limited time to meet
with a publisher, editor, or agent. Most of these meetings are only 10 to 15
minutes. That's not a lot of time for chit-chat. So you want to have your idea
organized so you can express it succinctly. That's where a one-page comes in.
You have to be succinct to get all the important information about your project
down on one page. It's a terrific exercise, even if you don't get to present it
to anyone in person.
A One-Page is similar to a Query Letter and has the same
information, just in a different format such with headings or bulleted items.
On your one-page, include the following:
- Your contact information. You can create your own letterhead for your one-page.
- Your project's proposed title.
- A brief summary of your book, article, or story. Make it snappy and attention grabbing. This needs to be your best writing.
- The audience for your project. Who will it appeal to? Who will buy it? How big is that group of potential readers? Use statistics or something to back up your numbers.
- The length of your proposed project in word-count. For example, a feature article may be 1,500 words, a nonfiction book may be 50-60,000, and a novel may be 80,000. Make sure this is withing the numbers the publisher accepts.
- Give an idea of when you could deliver the completed manuscript, if it's requested. An article which will require interviews and research may take you two weeks or a month. A book might take you six months. Or you may have a manuscript completed which you can submit "upon request."
- Finally, give a short bio of who you are and what you have accomplished as a writer. Include what qualifies you to write this project. Do you have life experience? Education? Research?
Once you have your one-page put together, here are some more tips:
- Keep your one-page brief and to one page.
- Make sure it's well edited and free of typos.
- You may get to show it to a representative of a publishing house. They may not take it with them because taking materials from all the authors they meet with is just too much, especially if they are traveling by plane, so don't be disappointed. They may ask you to email your one-page to them, or to send a book proposal or your manuscript after the conference.
I suggest you make a template for your one-pages if you have
more than one project in you. Set up all your headings on your letterhead. Then
for your next project all you'll need to do is fill in the information for your
next project.
First Pages
You may want to take the first pages of your manuscript. If
it's an article, you can print the entire article and take it with you, but an
editor may only read the first paragraphs or skim it. If they want to see more,
they'll ask you to email the manuscript to them.
If it's a book, you probably won't want to take more than
the first ten pages. There's no need to take your entire book manuscript. No
one will have the time to look at that much while there at the conference. And
don't expect an editor or agent to carry your manuscript home with them on the
plane. If they want it, they'll request it be sent via email.
One-Page Resume
Similar to your one-page for your writing projects, you
might create a one-page resume. This would showcase your writing
accomplishments (if you have any). For example on my writing resume I have
sections for a brief telling of my:
- article writing,
- books,
- online writing, and
- screenwriting.
- social media platform, which means how many people I can reach through social media, such as the number of Twitter followers and Facebook author page Likes.
- How many subscribers do you have on your email newsletter list?
- I also describe each of my blogs and how many page views I get per month.
All this information gives potential publishers an idea of
the size of your platform, which means how many people you can reach if they
publish your book.
Bookmarks or Flyers
If you have projects for sale, especially for writers, you
might want to make up a flyer to put on the table where conference offer free
giveaways such as writers guidelines from publishers. You might make a flyer if
you have books or pamphlets for writers, or offer professional services such as
editing or web site building.
I've written several #Kindle e-books for writers and am
writing several more, so this year I’m hoping to get a flyer done to let others
know about those.
Goods for Sale
If you have published books, you may be allowed to put them
on the sales consignment table. These don't have to be for writers, they can be
you anything you have written. People who are at the conference will be
interested in your books and will be excited to buy from an author they meet,
so be sure to bring some. But don't expect a lot of sales (at least from my
experience). Money can be tight. There are a ton of other books competing for
conferee's dollars there also. Plus many are traveling by plane and books can
be heavy to transport in luggage.
A Sign Up List
Do you have an e-mail newsletter for your writing business? Do
you have a blog people can sign up to receive via email? Why not take a sign up
When you meet and talk with new writer-friends on the way to
workshops or at meals, the topic of your newsletter or blog may come up. Or you
may simply ask them, would you like to receive my newsletter / blog in your inbox?
You, or they, can record their email address. Tell them when you get home you'll
sign them up, but they will receive a confirmation email that will require
their response to complete their subscription.
When you get home, you can enter their email address in your
email sign up form (like the one in the upper right corner of this blog) and
they will receive the confirmation email.
Be careful you're not overbearing when asking for
subscribers. Your conversation will let you know if they will benefit from
being on your email list. This is not the place to ask everyone at the
conference to sign up for your list. Workshop leaders might ask participants to
sign up for their lists, but as a conferee you might be seen as irritating if
you try to snare everyone in attendance. And never sign someone up for your list
without getting their permission in advance. (Don't use the business cards you
take home for this purpose.)
Business Cards
I'm amazed at how many people
show up every year at the Colorado Christian Writers Conference and don't bring
business cards. Most are simply new writers and say they didn't even think of it.
I don't care if you're just
getting started as a writer and don't feel like you're in "business"
as a write yet. You're there. Make some business cards. You still have time but
you need to act soon. You'll want to trade business cards with people you meet.
If you'd like something unusual, I love
the specialty cards made by: Shop MOO Mini Cards.
I have my book covers on my Moo cards!
Now days most cards I get don't
have street/mailing addresses on them, which might be smart for your safety. Still,
put on them how people can contact you. Definitely an email address. Some put
their cell phone. Put your web site.
Business cards are also a great
way to share your blog, Facebook page, Twitter handle, Instagram, Amazon Author
page, YouTube channel, etc. Use a URL-shortener like Bitly.com to create
easy-to-remember and type links.
If you want to pay more and
print the back, you can list your books titles or speaking topics.
A lot of people find it helpful
if you'll put your (nice, professional) photo on your card so later we can match
your face with your name.
When you get home, search out
your new friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or whatever social
media you are on and send them a friend request, follow them, or invite them to
Like your author page.
Snack, water, self-care.
Some conferences offer snacks and coffee and/or water but
others don't. If you need these to get you through the day, you may want to
pack some.
Casual or dress.
Find out whether your conference is casual or dress up. Even
when the conference is casual, I try to look "business casual." You are, after
all, making a first impression on publishers, agents, and editors. So dress for
success. This is your business, not your vacation.
What to do while there
Here are some tips to help you with those scary meetings with publishers, editors, and agents:
- Be on time.
- Introduce yourself.
- Prepare a spiel – your introduction of yourself and another one about your project.
- Talk little, listen more.
- React nicely – even if they're not interested in your project and that's a huge disappointment to you. Remember this is business, not personal.
- Don't take a book manuscript to leave with them. Take a one-page and the first ten pages at most.
- Ask, "Would you like my business card?" before leaving one.
Here are some more general tips for things to do while there:
- Relax and have fun!
- Sit by someone you don't know.
- Respect faculty.
- Sit at an editor's table at a meal, but respect if they're sitting with someone else. They may have planned a breakfast/lunch/dinner meeting with that person.
- Befriend another lonely writer.
- First thing in the morning, say a prayer. Ask God to direct who you meet that day, who you walk beside on the trail or in the hallway, and who you sit beside in workshops and at meals. (Tweet that!) This makes the whole conference an exciting adventure of supernaturally orchestrated divine appointments.
More than anything go to have fun. I know it's hard for some
people, but you really don't need to be nervous. You're here to learn. You're
here to enjoy. You don't have to speak up in class if you don't want to. You're
not in the spotlight. Take advantage of every opportunity you possibly can. And
know that this experience is going to be great for your writing career.
Get "Butts About Writing" by Email
I don't know how I MISSED this! But I missed having an email sign up box on this blog for writers! Well now that I realized it, I've installed one in the upper right corner of this page. Now you can sign up to receive my once-a-month blog posts for writers and authors straight in your inbox via email.
Or this link will take you there. Look in the box on the right, the last line for email delivery:
Get "Bible Prophecies Fulfilled" by Email
Would you also like to sign up to receive my other blog,
Bible Prophecies Fulfilled, via email? I post to that blog three times a week
and you can get it in your inbox so you don't miss a single post. Sign up for
that here.
Again, look in the box at the right for the last line to find the email subscription.
Again, look in the box at the right for the last line to find the email subscription.
Get Dianne's Newsletter by Email
Finally, if you'd like to receive my newsletters (which comes at irregular intervals but usually not more than once a month), you can sign up for that here. Again, look in the box at the right for the last line to find the email subscription.
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